Privacy Policy

Lyn Report for Zazzle

At Lyn Report for Zazzle, we are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and safeguard your data when you use our Chrome extension. By using the Lyn Report for Zazzle Chrome extension (“the extension”), you consent to the practices described in this policy.


1. Information We Collect

a. Sales Data: The extension automatically collects sales data from your Zazzle account in CSV format. This data includes information such as product details, sales dates, quantities sold, and revenue generated. A copy of the data is saved inside your browser and another copy is securely transferred in our database server.

b. User Account Information: To use the extension, you will be required to login to our domain or create an account if already not registered. Then attach the purchased license in your account in order to activate the extension. You may be required to provide certain account information during creation of the account either in our website or other authorized third party services / providers / platforms like Gumroad or both. During the user creation in Lyn Report we do not collect, manipulate, store or affect your Zazzle login credentials, user account or bank details.


2. How We Use Your Information

a. Extension Functionality: We use the sales data collected by the extension to provide you with sales reports, visualization tools, and timelines of sold products within the extension interface. You can browse your sales data according to the provided functionality, filter and select in some UI. At any point of the browse you can manually sync latest data by clicking on the ‘Sync’ button resulting in synchronizing the data in your browser and our database server.

b. Database Upload: The CSV sales data may be uploaded to our own database server for further analytics, forecasting, and research purposes. This data is used in an aggregated format to identify trends and improve the functionality of the extension, user experience and flexibility. Access to the raw data is strictly restricted and only special authorized personals / services / providers can browse, analyze and view this data.

c. Communication: We may use your contact information provided during account setup to communicate with you regarding important updates, changes to the extension, or to respond to inquiries or support requests.


3. Data Security

a. Storage: Raw sales data is uploaded to our data server securely and another copy is saved inside individual user’s browser for quick access and better user experience.

b. Encryption: We employ industry-standard encryption protocols to protect your data during transmission between your browser and our servers.

c. Access Controls: Access to your sales data within our database server is restricted to authorized personnel only, and strict access controls are in place to prevent unauthorized access.


4. Data Retention

a. Local Storage: The sales data stored within your browser is retained only for as long as necessary to provide you with the functionality of the extension. You have the option to clear this data from your browser at any time.

b. Database Storage: Sales data uploaded to our database server is retained for analytical and research purposes. However, this data is stored in an aggregated and anonymized format, and individual user identifiers are not retained indefinitely.


5. Third-Party Services

a. Gumroad / Third Party Services: We may interact with Gumroad’s or other authorized third party services / providers / platforms to authenticate your user account / license and obtain the necessary information / credential for using the extension within your domain. Please refer to Gumroad’s / authorized third party services / providers / platform’s privacy policy for information on how they collect, use, and protect your data.


6. Your Rights

a. Access and Correction: You have the right to access and correct any personal information we hold about you. You may do so by contacting us using the contact information provided below.


7. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting the revised policy on our website. It is your responsibility to regularly review this policy to stay informed of any updates.


8. Collaboration and Data Share:

Lyn Report for Zazzle is not collaborated with Zazzle. Any raw data used, displayed or stored by Lyn Report is not shared, supplied, sold or provided to any other service provider or company without your explicit consent.


9. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or our data practices, please contact us at


Thank you for using Lyn Report for Zazzle Chrome extension and for entrusting us with your data privacy. We are committed to protecting your information and providing you with a secure and reliable user experience.